Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blog Award

I have been given 3 blog awards in one week and I have been really bad at posting my appreciation on my blog.  I know I have at least left comments to those that passed on these awards to me.  I know its fun to give and receive awards of any kind, but I did the tag thing once and I just feel that after awhile that getting and receiving awards (that you have to then pass on or tag someone else with)....starts to become a little like forwarding emails. I don't want to annoy anyone by sending them things that they may not want to do and I don't want to disappoint anyone that thought of me for the award and then not have me participate.  So, I decided to make my own little compromise here.  I would at least like to "boast" my pride a little and share the joy of feeling a bit special that others thought of me for any kind of recognition for my blog. That means I have some happy blog readers out there. THANK YOU GIRLS!  I will post my award of "I Love Your Blog" here tonight and give thanks to the fellow bloggers that sent them my way with links to their blogs to check out. 

Michelle "Circle of Life
Aspiemom "Then I Am Strong

Live Outdoor Battlefield and Laser Party

This Saturday we had Hunter's 8th birthday party. The theme was "Live Outdoor Battlefield and Laser". It turned out to be a great hit among the boys and we had about 22 kids all together show up. The weather was a chilled windy day, but it felt really nice to enjoy the fresh air. Here are some pictures from the party. Below the slide show is baby girls day at the party. She was not feeling her best. She finally broke out in her rash, caused by her virus she had gotten last week. She was pretty fussy most of the day, but as long as daddy held her in her sling she was pretty content.

Happy (early) birthday Hunter-Boo! I love you, honey!

(click on image to zoom)
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