Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rise and Shine and give God the glory, glory, children of the LORD!

For he satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.   Psalms 107:9
This was sent a few minutes ago. Stellan update!

Stellan has had no bouts of SVT all night long, and none so far this morning!!! Whoo-Hoo!

I feel rested today.  
Although, going to bed at 9:00 pm helps, but doesn't always help when baby girl wakes up at 12:30 AM, 3:00 AM and 5:30 AM.  But, it does help when I don't have to get up at 7:00 AM to take big boy to school on Thursdays and baby girls sleeps in till 8:30 AM.  SWEET! 
I will be providing you winners of the
***** HAND-ME-DOWN***** 
GIVEAWAY by Friday!! So come back then!!! 
Yesterday, while driving to school, the sky was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. Both Hunter and I where just staring at it, and then I attempted to snap pictures of it while driving with my NEW iPhone.  
Taken with iPhone -untouched!
Hang on there you BlackBerry lovers..... YES, I did trade my broken BlackBerry in for an iPhone, but I am NOT a trader, I swear.  I love BlackBerry's, and the new BOLD looks amazing.
However, I did NOT know about the Bold until after I order my iPhone. And the reason I order the iPhone, is because all my friends have them and love them, and assured me that I would too, for what I like to do -- TAKE PICTURES.  BlackBerry's are made for the corporate world mostly, right? You agree, don't you? And the iPhones are made for EVERYTHING and EVERYONE, but are great for the artistic peeps!  I didn't think I would like it at first, but I have to say it has quickly grown on me.  
I won't complain about the 4 hours I spent on the phone with a rep trying to figure out why in the world they couldn't figure out how to sync my email to my iPhone.  Or about how I have grounded myself from viewing and downloading any more cool apps, because there are just so many.  I surely won't vent about how disappointed I am that it doesn't send MMS messages (that's picture text messages -- for those that are clueless), but will rejoice in the rumor I hear that they are coming out with an App for that come July, along with a 'new version' of iPhone.  A new version...geez?  Just make one phone and continue sending out apps for upgrades folks.  Anyways, maybe come July, I will unground myself so I can happily start sending MMS messages again.  In the meantime it isn't so bad, for I have another way that works pretty good actually, and I am not that turned off by it as I thought I would be.
You can send and receive photos to your phone, through your email. It works fabulous. HOWEVER...what if you do not use email or have an email account (like my parents)?  Well, that's easy also.  If (like my parents) and they do have and use cell phones,  can send and receive MMS's, then have them send YOU a photo from their phone, to your email address.  Once you receive that message from their phone to your email, it will give you a cell phone email address something like (without the dashes between the numbers).  Save that address as a normal email address, and then send photos to your receivers phone through that address.  Pretty cool, hu?  What I also like about it, is that you get to view the picture you receive much LARGER.  Although the iPhones big and full screen is pretty savvy anyways. The keyboard for typing takes some getting use to too, but if you text as much as I do in one day, you'll get the hang of it pretty fast. So the iPhone is a pretty cool phone.....BUT I STILL LIKED THAT BLACKBERRY BOLD, too!!! And my BlackBerry Curve was a really good phone to me. Morgan loves her new BlackBerry Curve. I told you she was a CrackBerry baby!  
If you have any questions about the Blackberry or iPhone, I considered myself a person of knowledge of both now.  So ask away! 
Before I finish up this post and start laundry... let me end with some pictures of Butterfly.  
She loves her BIBLE! 
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