Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday Hunter -

I couldn't go to bed without first making a post for Hunter on his actual birthday (TODAY - November 27th).  I have a letter I want to finish writing to post to this, but I am way too tired to do that tonight.  I did find just a few pictures I had of him on my computer through the years and I just loved looking back over them and seeing how much he has grown. He is my little man. I am so proud of him and I am so thankful for my first 'real' love.

Hunter Dylan Brackett
November 27, 2000
Time 11:16 PM
6 lbs 8 oz
18.5 long 

Hunter's teeth coming and then going.

On the left page is all the many "faces" of Hunter (not so happy faces) 

I am so very thankful!!!

What a day, what a day! I am in NY (Rochester) and having a wonderful time.  There is snow on the ground. I love that. Morgan has been a treat the whole time (even on the plane). She hasn't really missed a beat at all.  The family is just loving how much she has grown.  Today was a relaxing lovely day.  There was no time schedule and it has been nice to just relax and be around other adults, having adult conversations and while getting to enjoy being with Morgan and having extra hands to entertain her.  

Tomorrow we are going to go to a Christmas tree farm to pick out a tree and cut it down.  I have never done that before. So I am looking forward to that.  We may go and do a little outside ice skating.  That should be a funny site to see. Over all its been a very nice treat for us to enjoy a holiday together, get away and be with some family.  I am very thankful for that.  Last night we attended a nice hip church about 20 minutes outside of Rochester.  A nice way to end a long day of travel and day.

Today is about being thankful. I know a lot of people are listing things they are thankful for.  I love reading them. I could make a list that would ever end, and I mean that.  My cup really runs over with things to be thankful for. 

I have my salvation. I am thankful for God's son, who sacrificed His life for me. Thank you.

I have my family.  My two beautiful and healthy children to love and hold.  Today is also my sons 8th birthday.  Wow!!  I am so thankful! 

I have my husband.

I have my own health.

And its not about what I have.  I am simply and truly THANKFUL for these things that we can take for granted every single day.  

I am thankful for the ability to love and be loved. 

I am thankful for our freedom and the freedom to worship our God freely.

I am thankful for the food I had today.  

I am thankful for so much.  

I am thankful we went to Sear and had some family photos taken, and I am thankful that it will be my last time to ever use Sears again.  I rather pay a professional photo $200 and get a few beautiful pictures, than to pay $110 to get a few alright pictures.  You with me here? 

I am thankful for the friends I have made because of the wonderful world of computers and Internet.  

I really hope that everyone was able to be thankful for and in everything, good and bad.  

We're blessed.....let's be thankful!!!

Here are some of our pictures from Sears!!!  Yes, I know you will say "whats wrong with these, they are beautiful or they are great," and I will agree with you. However, a lot of them are blurry.  We had better ones, where everyone was smiling great, but the pictures were blurry.  The ones we had to choose from are just "alright" and the girls 'excuse' was that the camera has been sticking and not wanting to focus.  Yea, well my credit card has been sticking too and maybe I will just pay half the price for half the quality of photos I am getting.  (Laughing)  A friend gave me that "credit card" line. I wished I had thought of it and used it at the time.  LOL

Alright, alright enough chatting, I am thankful that I have my family with me and was able to go and afford such family photos to begin with.  I truly am.

(click to zoom)

Happy Thanksgiving!!! 

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