In effort to bring light out of all the madness we all have experienced via Internet/blog life over the last few days. I thought I would bring some light from all this dark.
I don't have much time to write, for I need to be on my way to the hospital this morning. I have an handsome young one-year-old waiting for his picture to be taken as he has his Christening today.
I do want to give a big THANK YOU for all of your very, very, very kind words of support to my post yesterday. I am thankful that everyone agreed to take the highroad and continue to pray for these people NO MATTER WHAT.
As I was sitting in the dark rocking my beautiful daughter last night for bedtime. I was giving thanks and prayer, because GOD gave me the words to my post yesterday, they didn't come from me. Although, it can be easy to feel good about yourself and take credit, I am giving credit where the credit is due.
As I was praying, God I believe gave in insight on something that I feel He would like us to continue; His Will Wednesday. I am not committing to this weekly, I'd like to, and I still may. I just wanted to do it first today and see how it goes.
Out of all the drama and craziness of this April Rose, I do believe that God is NOT ABOVE using negative things or situations for HIS good. I believe that 100%.
Over reading many posts, comments and emails, one of the most positive things that I saw being repeated was "HIS WILL WEDNESDAYS" and how people appreciated having HWW in order to post their own prayers and or pray over others. Many feel blessed out of such a horrible thing as hoaxing April Rose, because they were ones being prayed over by hundreds of others from that blog.
I think today would be a great place to start with keeping His Will Wednesday going, in effort to bring light from dark, giving everyone continued hope and positive support through their trying times in life.
Although, I do not have the time like "B" did each week, writing a detailed post of prayer request, for she did do an amazing job with HWW, for that I give her praise.
And although, I do not have hundreds of followers to my blog. That doesn't matter to God. There is a particular story in the bible of a man that was heading into battle (sorry, I am in a hurry and I am drawing a blank). He was going into battle with thousands of soldiers, maybe 3000. God told him "that was too many, and to get rid of all these soldiers only keeping 300." Going into a battle now with less men, it would almost seem impossible to win that battle, but then God smiled and said "I AM THE VICTORY and to trust me." So with this battle of April Rose, lets let GOD continue to be the VICTORY, and continue HIS WILL WEDNESDAY.
This way EVERYONE WINS and we can focus on the good that the April Rose hoax brought to us.
With that being said, it doesn't matter if I have 1 follower, hundreds of followers or thousands. When GOD is involved, as long as two or three come together in His name, HE is also present. Amen.
I will ask around and see if someone can make up a new His Will Wednesday button, to replace the old one. Or, if someone has the old and wants to share it with me, please feel free to email me the code. I don't mind using the old button at all for now.
In closing, if you have a prayer request please leave it in the comment box. Its still an early part of the day. That gives everyone ALL DAY and ALL EVENING to read your prayer request and have people join in with you in prayer. Only good can come from this.
Off to the hospital now.
God Bless.
PS: Today the comment moderation is turned off, so your prayer will be posted right away.