Sunday, November 15, 2009

Stellans reunion with his family- SVT FREE!

I just felt the need to share this today. Since I have mentioned baby Stellan for over a year now on my blog, asking for prayer after prayer for this little miracle.

A miracle has again shown its face through this little guy.

I thought it would only be fair to bring some smiles, tears and even thanks to GOD, the one that made this possible through the doctors in Boston, here on my blog too.

I have watched this video twice now. Once last night and once this morning, both times just bring smiles, tears and goosebumps to me. Don't you want to experience the same?

Then check out this video by Fox News and enjoy seeing a happy little family reunited. Look in little Stellans face, and just stop for a moment, embrace YOUR ANSWERED PRAYER TOO. If you prayed for this little guy, then one of your prayers was also answered. Not just this families prayer, but every ones prayer for this little guy.

He is a blessing to us all. A true gift from God. A living, breathing, crawling and SVT miracle of Gods.

I love it.

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