Tuesday, July 14, 2009

So, you think you wanna know, hu?

Apparently, you wanna know three (that's 3) things about me, that possibly you don't already know.  

This is my first time trying to do this Linky Blog Hop thing, so let's see if I can get it right on my first try, so that I do not have to spend much time (that I don't have today) on this post.  HA! 

1.  I used to go by the last name Dennie in school.  All my friends I grew up with know me as Misty Dennie.  When I graduated I got two diploma's, just in case, one said Misty Dennie, and the other said Misty Rice.  How many you know got two diploma's when they graduated?  

It's my step dads name, and when I moved to Cedar Creek lake in the 4th grade, I had cousins out there and so I wanted to have the same last name as my family at my school. My maiden name is Rice, and now my legal married name is Rice-Baniewicz.

2.  I am considering going back to school to become a PICU nurse. I want to be more medically hands on with children at the hospital.  I'm scared and intimated by the thought of school and commitment, but I wanted to do this since I was in middle school. In fact I 'shadowed' a pediatric doctor on career day at school.  Right now I am just praying, and seeking God's plan in all of this.  Trying to figure out what God's plan for me is in this crazy world down here. 

3.  I can't sing, but wish I could.  And because of that, I have never sang karaoke alone.  

Did you already know any of this, or does any of it surprise you?  Now let me know three (that's 3) things about you.  

And just because its a blogging sin to post without pictures....... here are some more pictures from our 4th of July day.  Morgan will make Loui Vitton proud. And never mind my really bad hairdo in the family shot. I just came off the jet skis for crying out loud.  


PS:  I am tweeting if you want to be nosey on my every day stuff. I am nosey.  I love to know what people are doing.  This is a great way to keep up, and also a fast way to get the word out if its important or if you need urgent response or prayer request.  Follow me HERE on twitter or you can always read my last five tweets to the top left of my blog here.   

I also have a facebook account, and what I am going to use the most on facebook is the photo albums. I love pictures, and I know a lot of you do as well. For pictures I am not able to post on my blog, I will have them on my facebook albums.  So click HERE to follow me on facebook.

Does that fill your nosey needs?  LOL 

MckLinky Blog Hop
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