Recently, I have read a lot of stories, blogs, vidoes of sorts, all hyping up the fashion trend of wearing scarves and how to wear them. This week has been its coldest in South Florida, that I can recall in a few years. It always gets chilly in January and February, but out of my 12 years of living here, it has only gotten into the high 30's and low 40's a few times. With that being said, it has been on of those weeks here in South Florida, giving the girls the opportunity to show off their own little scarf wearing ways.
I, being included in that "girls" category was wearing my brown scarf this morning, in which at one point Morgan kept pulling it off of me. I finally gave it to her and she was holding it, dragging it, rolling in it. I of course saw a model at her best and grab the camera. We decided we would show you the scarf wearing ways of Butterfly. She was having fun and being a little ham, can you tell?

And when all said and done, she thought this was the best way to use mommy's soft and warm, brown scarf.
17 Personal Thoughts:
ahh funny I have a big post on teh scarfs today and the past couple of week as well. angie friend brandi which also is teh pastors wife from cross point church did a funny clip it is on my blog if you did not see it check her out..
down right funny and she does not stop or do re takes you will iunderstand if you view it .. so down to eart I loved it.. fun .. any way wow morgan show the girls big mama , angie circle of lif eand braidi a ouple of things that are different cool..
this is my year for teh scarfs I want to look cool for 2009 okay so you go girl little morgan in my favorite colors brown and pick too cute friend...... love it
hears to teh year of the scarfs..
Now thats the way to wear a scarf Morgan!!! You show them!!!
Misty these are awesome pics...
Misty how do you do the blog roll on to the right of your blog?? I love how you have everyones button and it moves... Can you share or is this a secret?
No secrets from me..... I think it is silly when people don't want to share little tid-bits of fun info off of their blogs. Ill email it to you though, too long to post here.
beautiful pictures!! what kind of camera do you shoot with? maybe you've already told, but i'm too lazy to look. hope you understand. :0) lol.
awesome !!! blog roll missy !!! e-mail me too how too that is pretty cool there...
She seems like a natural, Misty! She is so precious!
LOVE IT! What a little cutie!
One word for those photos, "YUM!"
Can she get any cuter?? :)
GREAT pictures, Misty. FUN FUN FUN
She's a cutie pie - love the picture where she scrunched up her face, nose and lips! That's pricesless.
Just gave you a really cute friendship award on my blog. Check it out!
This is my first time I visit your blog, and you have a very interesting blog:)
And you have a beautiful family.
She is just too cute!! I love the way she wrinkles her nose!
Love and Prayers,
That is the best way to wear a scarf!
What is your camera or lens?
you have a award waiting for you at my bloggy friend
GORGEOUS pictures! And an adorable little model too! :)
Hi Misty - I just read your comment today...thank you for visiting and thank you for your prayers! God is really working through our fears and you're exactly right - we have to give Him the chance to do His thing - whatever that may be...thank you for the beautiful pics and humor - I love your site!
she is soo precious!!!
Thaank you for the comment! I think he is quite "pretty" myself, but I am a little biased.. I will be making more babies or maybe one more baby but not for a couple of years.. have to finish nursing school first!! I wish I lived closer and I would have you doing pictures for me all the time! You are fantastic!!!
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