Healing Choices: A Mind for Repentance
by Rick Warren
"Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think" (Romans 12:2 NLT).
Imagine riding in a speedboat on a lake with an automatic pilot set to go east. If you decide to reverse and head west, you have two possible ways to change the boat's direction. One way is to grab the steering wheel and physically force it to head in the opposite direction from where the autopilot is programmed to go.
By sheer willpower you could overcome the autopilot, but you would feel constant resistance. Your arms would eventually tire of the stress, you'd let go of the steering wheel, and the boat would instantly head back east, the way it was internally programmed.
This is what happens when you try to change you life with willpower: You say, "I'll force myself to eat less . . . exercise more . . . quit being disorganized and late."
Yes, willpower can produce short-term change, but it creates constant internal stress because you haven't dealt with the root cause. The change doesn't feel natural, so eventually you give up and quickly revert to your old habits and hang-ups.
There is a better and easier way: Change your autopilot--the way you think. The Bible says, "Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think" (Romans 12:2 NLT).
The New Testament calls this mental shift repentance, which in Greek literally means "to change your mind." You repent whenever you change the way you think by adopting how God thinks--about yourself, sin, God, other people, life, your future, and everything else. You take on Christ's outlook and perspective.
3 Personal Thoughts:
I will add these requests to my prayer list for today. Please add a relative of mine, who worked in marketing for years (has always been very success and recently got laid off) and is currently looking for a job. He has a fantastic little girl to support so I've been praying he'll find a great job in the field of busines or marketing or whatever God's plan is for him next. Thanks girl!
Im on it girl.
Please remember in prayer my sister...she's going through a tough time. Her husband had a serious car wreck a week !/2 ago. He hit a concrete pole that almost tore one of his legs off. He is home from the hospital, but he cannot put any weight on his legs or even bend them for 3 weeks. My sister has her hands full with a special needs child, a toddler that's in to everything, and a middle schooler, plus some other issues on top of all of this.
her sister
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