I do.
He is about 4 ft something tall, with a little body of an 21 year old young adult. I tell you, my 8 year old, soon to be nine has muscles and defined in all the right places already. Sometimes he will be playing with his sister with only his pj bottoms on and I am like, "the kid has abs, what the heck?"
Not only do I see him physically changing right before my very eyes and morphing into the this teenage looking body that God has indeed blessed him with. I am also watching him grow into the young boy and adult that God has planned for him to be.
He is trying very hard over the last few weeks to be responsible. Being responsible as in helping around the house, doing chores, waking himself up in the mornings with his own alarm clock. Other things like choosing healthy foods over bad foods.
As I mentioned on Twitter the other day, I had a parent/teacher conference this last Monday with his teacher. Before I go into detail about what she had to say about Hunter, let me just boast a second here about her.
For now we will call her Mrs. L.
Mrs. L. was meant to be a teacher and boy am I ever thankful she is Hunter's third grade teacher. This lady and young mom herself really enjoys her job, really cares about the well being and knowledge of the children in her classroom. I have met with her on a few different occasions and each time I can truly see her passion for teaching and growing her students to be the best kids they can be. You don't find many teacher that have that much passion for really caring as much about their students as this teacher does. I admire that quality in her.
It was probably one of the best teacher/parent meetings I have ever had. Not that any of the meetings in the past were negative, nothing like that. There was just something different over all about the way this teacher spoke about Hunter. There has only been one other teacher I felt "got Hunter" and that was his kindergarten teacher Mrs. D.
Mrs. L. expressed how Hunter was such a wonderful student. That she has no issues of any kind out of him. He is always the first to volunteer to help her or his peers out. He is friendly to everyone, and seems to be a magnet for drawing in everyone else around him. He does well in leadership, he is sensitive to looking out for those maybe a little weaker (defending anyone getting picked on). She always calls on Hunter to use as an example in class.
As for his academics go, he is well advanced in every subject. He loves to do his work, and really gives 100% at all he does. His handwriting is so neat and (mommy word) cute.
I told Mrs. L. that I often feel like I am a neglectful mom because Hunter never seems to want or ask my help with his homework. She said it is because he really doesn't need help, but that they are looking into more homework that will be more challenging to those children (like Hunter) who are ahead and learn fast, so that they continue to learn and not get bored with their work.
As of this week, Hunter was chosen as Citizen of the Week (or is month is 3rd grade?). Not sure. Either way, he came home with the great news today. He loves getting this award.
Also, I received a letter from the school to inform us that Hunter did a "Patriotic Art Project" and his art project had been chosen to be displayed in an Art Show, sponsored by the city of Coconut Creek. There will also be an award ceremony for friends, parents and students to attend on Oct. 22nd.
Pretty cool stuff right?
To keep the good news going here.....
Last night, Hunter had one of his best playing games in hockey as of yet. He was on fire last night, helping his teams take the victory of 7 to 1, shooting one goal, several assist. Although, he did come home with a bit of an attitude, as he had shot four goals, with only making one of them in. He is way hard on himself sometimes.
He leaves tomorrow for his first out of state tournament this season, to Detroit. Please pray the team has safe travels, a good tournament with no injuries and safe return home. Thank you.
Around the house....
Hunter over the last few weeks has been working so hard being responsible. I love it. He wakes himself up with his own alarm clock. He gets up without any complaints, gets himself dressed with the uniform of the day laid out the night before. He makes up his bed, packs his bag, has me sign whatever I need to sign. I then make his lunch, snack and breakfast. He eats, brushes his teeth, feeds and waters the cats. Takes out any recycles there are in the bucket.
Although not always perfect, and still a boy with a temper, mouth and attitude.... I see the difference in him this year. I see him growing up, maturing, trying and changing. Behind all that good stuff, that frustrating stuff.....he is to me one 'KOOL-KAT!'
When with the boys he holds his own. Would also be considered a alpha-male. Leader. Strong. Funny. Athletic. ALL BOY!
Around the girls, he is tender, sweet, shy, easy going and romantic. Yes, believe it or not he is already a romantic at heart.
As a big brother. THE BEST ONE EVER..... He adore his sister. Protects her. Loves her. Plays with her. Teaches her. And as any big brother would....he annoys her, teases her, wrestles her. But at the end of the day...they both look at each other with that love only they could have for each other, lean in and kiss goodnight. I love that he cares and adores his sister so much, he even allows her to kiss him with wet slobbery kisses, and just wipes his mouth when she is done kissing him. He doesn't run, say gross or avoid her. He totally and unconditionally loves his little sister.
Now my eyes are tearing up....
Although I don't get to post many photos of him on here these days...its because of this.
He ducks and hides from my camera all the time. He is just too cool for photos....
After all he is a Kool-Kat!

6 Personal Thoughts:
What a great picture....Just out blog hopping on tonight...really should be working... Hope you will stop by my Christmas blog and leave your favorite Christmas song...and enter a great giveaway. Also, a birthday letter to my daughter on my main blog...http://teresa-grammygirlfriend.blogspot.com/
What a wonderful post about your amazing son. You should be VERY proud. God has big plans for him!
You certainly DO have a cook cat! Hunter seems to be maturing quite fast these days, ha?
He is just to Kool! It made me tear up too...I have a son that is 2 years older than his sister. Of course just like all brothers and sisters they do have the bickering, but for they are so close, and it makes my heart melt when I see him being so sweet to her!! Have a good day!
Wow, look at him in his shades, he really is cool. I know you are so proud of him.
I am ashamed to admit I did not wake myself up with my own alarm clock until I moved into the dorms to start college! I don't think I even owned an alarm clock up until then. I should be so embarassed.
Misty, get yourself prepared, there are going to be girls all over this one. What a little cutie. I'm thinking that you won't be worried though, he seems like the kind of guy to stay focused on academics and sports. You know it's usually us girls that get sidetracked by guys....
He is such a doll!!
I just read your post about your miscarriage and then came back over to your main page here.
Your blog is beautiful and so are your children. =0)
Your son sounds like my oldest. He was RIPPED even at a young age. No fat, all muscle from top to bottom. =0) Don't blink... because he'll be grown before you know it. Mine is now 19 and will be 20 in Feb.
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